
Monday, February 28, 2011

100th Post

Celebrating my 100th post with a cupcake.

So today mommy has been to busy to take any pictures of me, she has been digital scrapbooking my pictures, the magazines say not to use all pictures, but mommy is a perfectionist so regardless in her eye's she has to scrapbook all everyday pictures and not just the special occasion ones.

Here is a sample of the ones she has made so far.

Go to  My Scrapbook to see more pages


3 Comment(s):

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations! That's lots of words. I'd warn mom if we were you
Benny & Lily

Chicas Libelulas said...

Spongy & Licky

Alex the Cat - Feeling Beachie said...

Happy 100th!