
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Today is not only special because it's Valentines Day, it's special because it is Chloe's Birthday she is now 2 years old. We would normally celebrate but mommy and daddy are broke and can't afford to buy her anything but they will make it up to her in the future.

Now, here is a picture of all my Valentines that I have received in the mail, thank you all who participated in the Valentine Card Exchange it was fun sending and receiving.


4 Comment(s):

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hi new friend...Happee Valentine's Day
Benny & Lily

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Happy Valentines Day to you too!!

Yous such a cutie!

IzZY, Anakin, Josie and TriXie

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Happy Valentines Day!!! We luv the card sweetie.

Kitty+Coco said...

Fun cards! You got tons to enjoy. Happy V'Day to you Bailey!

Kitty and Coco