
Friday, August 19, 2011

A Evening in the Backyard

Hugs & Kisses

3 Comment(s):

Two French Bulldogs said...

play time with all the little ones, BOL
Benny & Lily

Kitty+Coco said...

Hello Bailey! Just wanted to chip in for your mum's surgery, but it says that the email address listed might have a typo or something and won't let us give our green papers. Could you check it out? We sure want her to get betters.


PugMommy said...

Sorry I didn't know paypal had to be verified before I could except any funds. I am in the process of getting it verified you can still donate because when somebody sends funds it sits as unclaimed and I won't be able to except payment till my paypal is verified.

Thanks for the donations, mommy will be great full when she is able to get her teeth fixed.

Hugs & Kisses