
Monday, September 19, 2011

Help us name the Kittens.

So we still need names for 2 of the kittens, 1 boy and 1 girl, My sister already has a name for the dark one. she named him Batman, but mommy and daddy are having trouble with the other two.
Girl, Boy (Batman), Boy
Please leave your ideas in the comments section.

Hugs & Kisses

P.S. Kittens are getting big for being 3 days old, mommy can't wait till they finally open their eye's.

Check out Thomasina's blog for picture and video updates

1 Comment(s):

Wilma said...

Oh, so sweet! The boy reminds me of Tony the Tiger, so I say Tony for him. For the little girl, how about Ertha, for Ertha Kitt, the original Cat Woman?