
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Easy Like Sunday

Sorry for not blogging for over a week, mommy usually helps me and she has been busy crocheting a blanket for my brother. She hasn't had a chance to to very many pictures this year. but here are some cute ones that have been taken.

As soon as mommy is done with the blanket, we will take a picture and post her hard work. But before she can finish it, she needs to get more yarn.

Drools & Licks

4 Comment(s):

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are handsome big boy, now pass the cookies
Benny & Lily

jacko said...
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jacko said...

Yes Indeed, your a cute and handsome boy, cheer up don't be sad :)

Dog Shock Collar

jacko said...

Yes Indeed, your a cute and handsome boy, cheer up don't be sad :)

Dog Shock Collar