
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cold, Rainy, & Windy

It has been cold, wet, & windy outside the last few days,  I can't believe how cold in the basement it can get. Mommy and I spend most of our days staying warm under a blanket, we can't believe how fast it is getting cold outside.

Photos below are the kittens playing in a soda box
(taken by my daddy)

Tomorrow is the showing of the new movie mommy has been waiting to watch, she would go to the midnight showing, but with daddy's work schedule it's not possible. Mommy is hoping she doesn't sleep through the movie, since the last few weeks she has been sleeping till after 11 AM. The movie starts at 10:30 AM, mommy says she is going to hide the laptop from daddy and set the alarm clock so they can wake up at a decent hour and be able to make the movie she has been waiting over a year to see.

Hugs & Kisses

1 Comment(s):

Kari in Alaska said...

Love the way the kitties re purpose items :)

Stop on by for a visit