
Friday, April 15, 2011

My Binkie

A while back mommy went and bought be a binkie to be funny and I just started to play with it. Pictures below daddy took with mommy's camera.

Please excuse the mess, mommy doesn't clean when the place is full of kids/people.


4 Comment(s):

Minnie and Mack said...

Oh, that is soooo cute! Maybe hu-mom will get one for me. I like to suck on my blankie!

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are one adorable baby
Benny & Lily

Noodles said...

That looks yummy. I want one! Hey Mommy! If Bailey can have one, can I?
<3 Love Noodles

tubby3pug said...

So cute! I miss having the young pugs around.